UV PURE: Hallett

Self-cleaning, smart, care-free UV
water disinfection
NSF Certified Systems
Hallett are certified to NSF/ANSI portable water standards for safe home and building applications. With built-in safety features and industry-leading performance,

Hallett Potable
Hallett Potable delivers the highest level of reliability and protection for public and private drinking water systems. Certified lead-free wetted parts and equipped with Crossfire Technology and premium product features, choose Hallett Potable for flow up to 1 MGD, 35-95% UVT, NSF certified and EPA validated models available.

Hallett Reuse & Rainwater
Hallett Reuse unlocks the potential of water reuse and rainwater harvesting for sustainable buildings and industries. Self-cleaning and equipped with the core Crossfire Technology and premium product
features, choose Hallett Reuse for flow up to 1 MGD, 35-95% UVT, third party and NWRI validated models available.

Hallett Wastewater
Hallett Wastewater delivers effective disinfection of domestic and industrial wastewaters with less pre-treatment. Self-cleaning and equipped with the core Crossfire Technology and premium product features, choose Hallett Wastewater for flow up to 1 MGD, 35 - 95% UVT, third party ad EPA validated models available.

360-Degree Coverage
The dual-lamp elliptical reflector
design delivers concentrated UV
radiation with no shadowing.
Automatic mechanical self-cleaning prevents quartz fouling caused by minerals and biofilm.
Smart Sensors
Real-time monitoring of UV dose, transmittance, and lamp intensity eliminates nuisance alarms.
Difficult Water
Effective disinfection for water up to 10 times dirtier than other systems, requires less pre-treatment.

No-Contact Maintenance
Built-in safety features prevent operator exposure during maintenance.
Low Operating Cost
Engineered to cut down on recurring costs like chemical cleaning and quartz replacement.
Quick Installation
The plug-and-play design enables easy installation of one or more units where you need them.
Modular Redundancy
Easily configure multiple units for redundancy at a fraction of the cost of large conventional systems.